Our team list
Suryadi Hermijanto
President ComissionerSuryadi Hermijanto was born in Indonesia in 1957. He has been holding the position as Commissioner at PT. Shinta Inserve since 1990.
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Wismar Nainggolan
CommissionerWismar Nainggolan was born in Indonesia. Graduated from Magister Management Program of Diponegoro University, Semarang-Central Java, specialized in Strategic...
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Justin Hermijanto
President DirectorJustin Hermijanto was born in Singapore. He is currently serving as President Director at PT. Shinta Inserve. He earned his degree at University of Western...
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Putu Suci Widyasih
DirectorPutu Suci Widyasih was born in Indonesia. She is currently serving as Director at PT. Shinta Inserve. She graduated with a degree from Universitas Sanata Dharma,...
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